All in Cash Flow Planning

Ep. 47 How to prioritize home improvement projects when the economy is uncertain

How do you prioritize home improvement projects when the economy is uncertain, rates are high, some industries are seeing layoffs, and inflation is still high? What should a homeowner be thinking about if they have updates to make? For example, how should you preserve your nest egg? How can you prioritize if you have multiple projects that you want to do? How can you budget so that even if you get a home equity loan, credit line, or personal loan, you can ensure you're not overextending your finances?

Ep. 42 Business Owners, Don't Trap Yourself Financially In Your Business

Often, business owners rely on their business as their sole means of financial provision. Wouldn't it be nice to have a second leg to stand on financially? This episode talks about the benefits of investing in a separate tax-free asset, i.e., a Roth 401k, throughout your business ownership career.

Ep. 41 Business Owners with Young Kids, Create a "Family Fun" Account

Business Owners with young kids, do you find yourself wanting to invest more time and money into your family and kids while they’re young? One way to force you to take the vacations, the trips, or spend the time away with your family and kids while they’re young is to set aside a certain amount of money into a separate business account every month. Once per quarter take that money as an owner draw and spend on family fun and creating memories.

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Eric Maldonado, CFP®, MBA

Podcast: Die with Zero or Don't Die with Zero

In this episode, I give my take on the book “Die with Zero” by Bill Perkins, published in 2020.

I liked his concepts on investing in “memory dividends,” and spending based on your stages of life and your health.

Eric Maldonado, CFP®, MBA

Owner, Aquila Wealth Advisors, LLC


San Luis Obispo, CA

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Podcast: A Favorite Book for Business Owners -- Profit First

Today I’m talking about one of my favorite books for business owners. It’s called ‘Profit First’ by Mike Michalowicz. I like this book because it simplifies the cash flow process for business owners. It provides a great tool to ensure you’re paying yourself a profit distribution and an owner’s salary all while preparing for taxes due and operational expenses.

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Eric Maldonado, CFP®, MBA

Owner, Aquila Wealth Advisors, LLC


San Luis Obispo, CA

Managing Cash Flow in Your Business for Self-Employed Business Owners

In this episode, I provide an easy and effective way to manage your cash flow in your business. It allows you to be prepared for expenses and taxes while generating a profit and your salary as the owner.

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Eric Maldonado, CFP®, MBA

Owner, Aquila Wealth Advisors, LLC


San Luis Obispo, CA

A Cash Flow Paradigm Shift for Business Owners

How are Business Owners supposed to think about their Business Cash Flow as it relates to their personal finances?

In this episode, I speak to a great way to think about managing your Business Cash Flow so that you and your family are still taken care of — no matter what happens to your business.

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Eric Maldonado, CFP®, MBA

Owner, Aquila Wealth Advisors, LLC


San Luis Obispo, CA

Where To Get The Best Interest Rates On Your Business Cash Savings

Listen in as I share how to get the highest interest rates on your business cash reserves along with how much is the right amount to have in cash as a business cash reserve.

When it comes to business savings account interest rates, in general, I am a fan of online business savings banks like Live Oak Bank, Live Oak Bank tends to be at the higher end, if not that highest, when it comes to business savings account interest rates. I also like that Live Oak bank does not have monthly account fees nor a minimum deposit requirement, at least as of the date of this writing. Disclaimer: Check banks and rates for yourself. I do not have any benefit or affiliation with Live Oak Bank.

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