All in Business Owners

Ep. 43 Business Owners, My Takeaways From “Walking to Destiny, 11 Actions An Owner Must Take to Rapidly Grow, Value & Unlock Wealth”

Business owners, are you taking steps to get the most value and income out of your business? My main takeaway from the book "Walking to Destiny 11 Actions An Owner Must Take To Rapidly Grow Value & Unlock Wealth" by Christopher M. Snider is that selling a business isn't just a one-time event in the future. Exit planning is a process that helps you get the most out of your business today, even if you're not planning on selling your company any time soon or ever.

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Eric Maldonado, CFP®, MBA

Owner, Aquila Wealth Advisors, LLC


San Luis Obispo, CA

Ep. 41 Business Owners with Young Kids, Create a "Family Fun" Account

Business Owners with young kids, do you find yourself wanting to invest more time and money into your family and kids while they’re young? One way to force you to take the vacations, the trips, or spend the time away with your family and kids while they’re young is to set aside a certain amount of money into a separate business account every month. Once per quarter take that money as an owner draw and spend on family fun and creating memories.

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Eric Maldonado, CFP®, MBA

Ep. 39 The Emotional Toll of Investing in Individual Stocks vs. Index Funds

In today’s episode, I’m talking about the hidden cost of investing in individual stock vs investing in a basket of companies inside of an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), Index Fund, or Mutual Fund. Namely, the emotional toll it can take to invest in individual companies. Is it worth experiencing the stress and angst it takes to invest in individual companies? Sometimes, investing in a broad range of companies within an ETF or an Index Fund is less stressful and takes less of an emotional toll on the investor. When you’re invested in a bunch of companies with a fund you’re less likely to fixate any one company. Whereas focusing on one company's results can bring about a much more emotional ride.

Ep. 38 What Does a Good Financial Planner Do? Listens to You

At the very least a good financial planner listens to you. It sounds obvious, but it’s so important for a financial planner to hear you out, hear your story, and hear your perspective on money. Is the financial planner asking you good questions and allowing you the time and space to think and answer? Do they allow you the time and space to ask all of your questions? These are all crucial elements in a good financial planner-client relationship.

Podcast: Die with Zero or Don't Die with Zero

In this episode, I give my take on the book “Die with Zero” by Bill Perkins, published in 2020.

I liked his concepts on investing in “memory dividends,” and spending based on your stages of life and your health.

Eric Maldonado, CFP®, MBA

Owner, Aquila Wealth Advisors, LLC


San Luis Obispo, CA

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Podcast: What's the best way to invest in your child's future?

In this week’s podcast episode, we are looking at the best ways to invest in your child’s future.

We talk about utilizing 529 plans, brokerage accounts, UTMA’s, Real Estate, and Business Ownership.

Contact Us.

Eric Maldonado, CFP®, MBA

Owner, Aquila Wealth Advisors, LLC


San Luis Obispo, CA